Number of key environmental conditions met for Nature-Based Living Shoreline technique (1)
Nature-Based Living Shoreline Points (2)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Living Reef Breakwater technique (3)
Living Reef Breakwater Points (4)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Marsh Sill technique (5)
Marsh Sill Points (6)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Breakwater technique (7)
Breakwater Points (8)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Ecologically Enhanced Revetment technique (9)
Ecologically Enhanced Revetment Points (10)
Number of tidal marsh shoreline edge techniques that are applicable (11)
Combined Marsh Shoreline Points (12)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Beach Restoration technique (14)
Beach Restoration Points (15)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Living Reef Breakwater technique (16)
Living Reef Breakwater Points (17)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Breakwater technique (18)
Breakwater Points (19)
Number of key environmental conditions met for Ecologically Enhanced Revetment technique (20)
Ecologically Enhanced Revetment Points (21)
Number of Forested, Beach, or Bulkhead shoreline edge techniques that are applicable (22)
Combined Forested, Beach, or Bulkhead Points (23)
Shoreline Change Rate (25)
| accretion |
| no change |
| 0 - 2 ft/yr |
| 2 - 4 ft/yr |
| 4 - 6 ft/yr |
| > 6 ft/yr |
Ice Cover (26)
| no ice cover |
| low ice cover (0 - 2" thick) |
| moderate ice cover (2.1 - 4" thick) |
| high ice cover (4.1 - 6" thick) |
| highest ice cover (> 6" thick) |
Shoreline Slope (27)
| 0 |
| 0 - 5% |
| 5 - 10% |
| 10 - 15% |
| >15% |
Nearshore Slope (28)
| 0 |
| 0 - 5% |
| 5 - 10% |
| 10 - 15% |
| >15% |
Tidal Range (29)
| 0 |
| 0 - 2 ft |
| 2- 4 ft |
| 4 - 6 ft |
| >6 ft |
Salinity (30)
| 0-1 ppt |
| 1-3 ppt |
| 3-10 ppt |
| 10-30 ppt |
| >30 ppt |
Wave Height Maximum (31)
| <1 ft |
| 1-2 ft |
| 2-3 ft |
| >3 ft |