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Layer: Ice Cover (ID: 26)

Parent Layer: Environmental Conditions

Name: Ice Cover

Display Field:

Type: Raster Layer

Geometry Type: null

Description: This map layer depicts the frequency of Coastal Ice Cover. The USGS EarthExplorer Landsat 5-7-8 archive was examined for winter dates with substantial presence of ice on New Jersey’s coastal waters. The objective was to map locations were ice forms and builds up during sufficiently cold winter periods. There were many winters were little if any ice formed on coastal waters or at least was not visible on available Landsat imagery dates either due to the fact that no ice was present or cloud cover obscured visual interpretation. Five images were selected to represent 5 different years. Landsat 5 and 7 Thematic Mapper Level 1 imagery downloaded from USGS EarthExplorer site Following images were downloaded for Path/Row 14-31-33: Landsat 7 ETM January 29, 2000 Landsat 5 TM February 1, 2004 Landsat 5 TM February 9, 2007 Landsat 5 TM January 29, 2009 Landsat 5 TM January 3, 2011. A normalized snow index (NDSI) was computed [(Band 2 - Band 5)/(Band 5 + Band 2)] using the Level 1 imagery. The imagery data were taken “as is” without any additional processing (i.e. atmospheric or radiometric corrections). The NSDI data were thresholded using a digital number value of 210 to generate an “ice cover” layer (i.e., if NSDI > 210  ice). The resulting ice cover for the 5 dates were composited using a rule where Output = 5, when all 5 dates were classified as ice cover; Output = 4, when 4 out of 5 dates were ice cover. It is estimated based on experience and anecdotal information that the ice thickness of those areas classified as ice cover were at least 2-3” inches thick. Areas of higher frequency ice cover were equated with greater ice thickness (inches). The resulting composite data were further qualitatively classed as: Value 0 = No ice cover 1 = Low Ice cover (i.e. ice cover on 1 of 5 dates) (0-2" thick) 2 = Moderate ice cover (2.1-4" thick) 3 = High ice cover (4.1-6 " thick) 4 = Highest ice cover (> 6" thick)

Definition Expression: N/A

Copyright Text:

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 0

Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF, geoJSON

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: false

Supports Statistics: false

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: false

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone

Type ID Field: null

Fields: None

Supported Operations:   Query   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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