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snippet: USFS Climate Change Tree Atlas
summary: USFS Climate Change Tree Atlas
extent: [[-100.297546023941,24.9652361316975],[-66.6921090250675,49.422511094219]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This dataset contains modeled suitable habitat information used by the Climate Change Atlas, which documents the current and possible future distribution of 134 tree species in the Eastern United States and gives detailed information on environmental characteristics defining these distributions. For each species, importance values (IV) were calculated to represent the relative abundance among inventory plots, which are then averaged among all plots within each 20 x 20 km modeling grid. Values of the actual, modeled current, and potential future IVs are provided. Current and future IVs were predicted using Random Forest, an ensemble of regression trees, to model actual mean IVs among 20 x 20 km grids and 38 environmental variables. <br><br> Importance Values(X) = (50 * basal area(X) / basal area (all species)) + (50 * number of stems(X) / number of stems (all species)), where X is a single species. Thus, within a 20x20 km cell, the IV for a tree species represents the relative abundance for its potential suitable habitat. <br><br> For more information visit the USDA Forest Service Climate Change Atlas at
title: ForestChange
type: Map Service
tags: []
culture: en-US
name: ForestChange
guid: F0E163E9-F65F-4580-A295-931B768419A0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere