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Legend (Demographics/CDC_SVI_2018_HHCompDis)

CDC SVI 2018 Household Composition/Disability (0)
Lowest Vulnerability (Bottom 4th) Lowest Vulnerability (Bottom 4th)
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Highest Vulnerability (Top 4th) Highest Vulnerability (Top 4th)
Data Unavailable Data Unavailable
Persons Age 65 and Older Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (1)
0 - 400 0 - 400
401 - 800 401 - 800
801 - 1,200 801 - 1,200
1,201 - 2,000 1,201 - 2,000
2,001 - 4,444 2,001 - 4,444
Persons Age 17 and Younger Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (2)
0 - 600 0 - 600
601 - 1,200 601 - 1,200
1,201 - 1,800 1,201 - 1,800
1,801 - 3,600 1,801 - 3,600
3,601 - 7,689 3,601 - 7,689
Civilian (Non-Inst) Population with a Disability Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (3)
0 - 250 0 - 250
251 - 500 251 - 500
501 - 750 501 - 750
751 - 1,000 751 - 1,000
1,001 - 1,826 1,001 - 1,826
Single Parent Household w/ Children Under 18 Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (4)
0 - 75 0 - 75
76 - 150 76 - 150
151 - 250 151 - 250
251 - 375 251 - 375
376 - 789 376 - 789
Percent Persons Age 65 and Older Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (5)
0% - 10% 0% - 10%
10.1% - 20% 10.1% - 20%
20.1% - 30% 20.1% - 30%
30.1% - 50% 30.1% - 50%
50.1% - 79.5% 50.1% - 79.5%
Data Unavailable Data Unavailable
Percent Persons Age 17 and Younger Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (6)
0% - 10% 0% - 10%
10.1% - 20% 10.1% - 20%
20.1% - 30% 20.1% - 30%
30.1% - 40% 30.1% - 40%
40.1% - 58.8% 40.1% - 58.8%
Data Unavailable Data Unavailable
Percent Civiliam (Non-Inst) Pop. with a Disability Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (7)
0% - 8% 0% - 8%
8.1% - 12% 8.1% - 12%
12.1% - 16% 12.1% - 16%
16.1% - 25% 16.1% - 25%
25.1% - 79.9% 25.1% - 79.9%
Data Unavailable Data Unavailable
Percent Single Parent Household w/ Children Under 18 Estimate, 2014-2018 ACS (8)
0% - 5% 0% - 5%
5.1% - 10% 5.1% - 10%
10.1% - 15% 10.1% - 15%
15.1% - 25% 15.1% - 25%
25.2% - 45.2% 25.2% - 45.2%