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Legend (Agriculture/USDA_Cropland_Data_Layer_2019)

Tree Fruit, Nuts and Grapes (0)
Apples Apples
Grapes Grapes
Nectarines Nectarines
Peaches Peaches
Other Tree Crops Other Tree Crops
Other Agriculture (1)
Aquaculture Aquaculture
Christmas Trees Christmas Trees
Clover/Wildflowers Clover/Wildflowers
Fallow/Idle Cropland Fallow/Idle Cropland
Grassland/Pasture Grassland/Pasture
Sod/Grass Seed Sod/Grass Seed
Fruits and Vegetables (2)
Blueberries Blueberries
Cranberries Cranberries
Cucumbers Cucumbers
Dry Beans Dry Beans
Greens Greens
Peas Peas
Peppers Peppers
Potatoes Potatoes
Pumpkins Pumpkins
Squash Squash
Sweet Corn Sweet Corn
Sweet Potatoes Sweet Potatoes
Tomatoes Tomatoes
Misc. Fruits and Veg Misc. Fruits and Veg
Field Crops and Hay (3)
Alfalfa Alfalfa
Corn Corn
Oats Oats
Rye Rye
Sorghum Sorghum
Soybeans Soybeans
Winter Wheat Winter Wheat
Double Crop Double Crop
Other Hay/Non Alfalfa Other Hay/Non Alfalfa
Other Field Crops Other Field Crops